When Life Changes Without Warning

Glass sphere viewing a large rock.

Image by Thomas from Pixabay

Why I Switched My NaNoWriMo Focus the Week Before

Last November, I planned to write a short, cozy garden mystery for NaNoWriMo. Dutifully, as a plantser (hybrid planner and pantser), I jotted down notes for possible clues and motives and searched Pinterest to create my annual NaNo board to spur me onward to my goal.

I felt good about my progress when a sudden financial shift threw me off track out of the blue. We discovered our monthly income was not what we’d received in previous months. The only solution was for me to monetize my writing more.

As I saw it, I had three options.

  • I could carry on writing my mystery story and hope for a fantastic book launch with considerable sales in three months (experience said, “not likely.”)
  • I could write several ebooks for my Etsy shop with more chances of earlier success.
  • I could write more on Medium and hope I’ve got the algorithm right this month.


Overwhelmed and confused, I turned to prayer. (I should have started there. Hey, that could be another poem!) It became more apparent that I had not one choice of three options but three options to achieve the same goal collectively.

Here’s my first attempt toward that goal. It’s what I love to do and what I do best, easiest and fastest. I write a poem and the reason why.


I had an idea this time
to write a mysterious crime
with murderous beast
five suspects at least
and victim appearing deceased.

But life took a turn to the side
and all of my notes I did hide.
Instead, I did flop
facing my laptop
and outlined new books for my shop.

Then joy filled each thought
as I prayed like I ought
and I saw that I could do both.
With November’s troth
I wrote down a personal oath.

And now Nano’s here
and I have no fear.
I can write a cozy plus two
Etsy ebooks for you.
That’s three books in all brand new!

‘Til next time, remember you are loved by the One who created you in His image.

~ Lynne

*This post was originally published on my Medium platform.

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