Introducing our new series of workbooks called The From-To Writing Method. This series of workbooks has been in the creative stage for over two years and we’ve finally finished all the brainstorming and designing. So we’re very excited to introduce to you the first workbook in the series.
All the workbooks are aimed at helping you use your social media platforms to create a book and we have five workbooks in all. So if you have a Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or a Website (or all of the above) we’ve got a workbook for you to get your masterpiece published!
How to Turn Your Blog Posts Into a Book in 10 Hours
Learn how to turn the knowledge you already have into a nonfiction book in a few easy steps using your social media platforms. Then use those platforms to market your book!
This is a downloadable/printable (no physical product shipped) workbook filled with ideas, tips and worksheets for writers who want to turn their passion for blogging into a published book.
A 49-page PDF workbook that will show you the White Rose Writers “From – To Method of Writing”
You’ll enjoy this workbook if you love to blog about a specific topic and would love to turn your knowledge into an income, all while helping people learn and grow!
Here’s a peek at what you’ll work on through this book:
– Scheduling time for your writing
– Brainstorming and Defining Your Book’s Outline
– Creating Social Media ‘Gems’ so you have something to promote online before, during and after your launch.
– The White Rose Writer’s method of turning your blog posts into books.
– A look at some of the steps you need to remember to take in writing and publishing your book.
– Guidance on how to create a noticeable author brand so you stand out during your launch.
– Marketing Ideas for your new book.
– Worksheets for each of the above to keep all your ideas in one place.
and more!
We have four more workbooks in the series we’d like to show you in the next few weeks, so stay in touch. Which one is next? Hint – are you thinking of writing your memoir?
*UPDATE Check them all out in our Etsy shop!
Happy Writing, everyone!
~ Lynne